The 9th international Workshop in Air Shower Detection at High Altitudes 2018

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    The Workshop on Air Shower Detection at High Altitudes was firstly held in accordance to LHAASO project in China in 2010. After that it is hold every year and speakers of most famous and large AS/CR/GaRA from all over the world give their talks here. 

    The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) project is a new generation multi-component instrument, located at 4410 meters of altitude in the Sichuan province of China, with the aim to study with unprecedented sensitivity the spectrum, the composition and the anisotropy of cosmic rays in the energy range between 1012 and 1018 eV. It will also act simultaneously as a wide aperture (one stereoradiant), continuously-operated gamma ray telescope in the energy range between 1011 and 1015 eV. The construction of the observatory already started from 2017 April, and the instrument is expected to be partly working around the end of year 2018.

    The workshop will be held at the Institute for Nuclear Research Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS), Moscow, in 2018 September 17-18

Traditionally attending the workshop is free of charge.


Institute for Nuclear Research Russian Academy of Sciences